My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We implore you in the Lord, with every fiber of our beings, to stand with us as we extend a hand to the needy, as we pour our hearts into God's kingdom, and as we ignite a fiery passion for evangelization, equipping, and empowering the nations.

Even the smallest offering is a mighty spark that fuels the flames of our mission. Your generosity, your faith, your dedication, they all converge to amplify our effectiveness. You are not just giving; you are becoming an integral part of what God is orchestrating in this world.

Together, we are His instruments, channels of His grace, vessels of His love. Your contribution can change the destiny of nations through the power of His Word.

Let your heart be the vessel through which God's mercy flows. Let your pocket be the wellspring of blessings for those who thirst for salvation. Join us in this holy endeavor, this divine expedition, and become a vital thread in the tapestry of God's great work on Earth.

The need is great, but your heart is greater. Let's set the world ablaze with the love of Christ. Be a part of what God is doing, and watch as the world is transformed through your love and generosity.

With deepest gratitude and unyielding faith,

Your brother in Christ,

Surya M. Bhandari

President / missionary pastor